Proselytizing teacher won’t volunteer with students in Washington (October 23, 2019)

A proselytizing retired teacher is no longer volunteering with students in the East Valley School District No. 90 in Yakima.

A district community member reported that East Valley High School was allowing a retired teacher to proselytize to students and act as an FCA representative, even though the school has no student FCA club. The complainant reported that the FCA representative organized monthly coach breakfasts and meetings with student-athletes after practice ends. The coaches at the school had apparently encouraged students to meet with the volunteer after practice.

FFRF Attorney Chris Line wrote to Superintendent John Schieche, urging the district to ensure that outside adults are no longer being given access to students during school activities.

Schieche informed FFRF that he ā€œmet with the retired teacher last spring and informed him that the meetings with students were not permissible.ā€ The retired teacher is no longer volunteering in the school or meeting with students.

Freedom From Religion Foundation