Illinois township calls off Ark Encounter trip (July 2, 2019)

Scheduled trips to the Ark Encounter and other religious venues have been called off by an Illinois township following a letter of complaint from FFRF.

A local resident reported that Frankfort Township recently sponsored a religiously themed trip that included visits to the Ark Encounter Creation Museum in Kentucky. A flier for the event is titled ā€œThe Frankfort Township Board Presents Ark Encounter & Creation Museum.ā€

Another flier advertised a similar religious trip in June, with the Township Board sponsoring a trip to Lancaster County, Pa., to see a performance of ā€œJesusā€ at the Millennium Theatre, which describes itself as ā€œWhere the bible comes to life on stage.ā€ The Christian theatre groupā€™s stated purpose is ā€œto present the gospel of Jesus Christ and sow the word of God into the lives of customers.ā€

FFRF Staff Attorney Ryan Jayne wrote to Township Supervisor Jim Moustis, pointing out that ā€œsponsoring regular Christian-themed trips shows an endorsement of Christianity on behalf of the township.ā€ This endorsement, of course, ā€œis unconstitutional and excludes the townshipā€™s residents, who are being told that they are not part of the townshipā€™s favored religious groups,ā€ Jayne adds.

The townshipā€™s attorney contacted FFRF and confirmed over the phone that these events were cancelled.

Freedom From Religion Foundation