Changes made to an annual prayer breakfast (May 14, 2019)

The city of New Hope is making changes to an annual prayer breakfast, addressing concerns brought to light by FFRF.

A New Hope resident reported that each year the city hosts a ā€œCommunity Mayorā€™s Prayer Breakfast.ā€ The event was reportedly sponsored by the city of New Hope. The city sells tickets for this event and the event is reportedly advertised on the cityā€™s official website. The cityā€™s mayor also reportedly participated in the event in his official capacity. The complainant reported that New Hope also displays a religious message ā€œAmerica, God shed his grace on theeā€ above the main desk of its city hall building.

Legal Fellow Chris Line wrote to Mayor Kathy Hemken, highlighting the constitutional concern of the cityā€™s hosting and coordination of a prayer breakfast.

The city confirmed that the religious sign has been removed and, with regard to the prayer breakfast, ā€œany future prayer breakfasts will be conducted in compliance with the guidelines outlined in the Newman case.ā€ Those guidelines restrict the use of city funds, employees, resources, and supplies in facilitating the Mayorā€™s Prayer Breakfast.

Freedom From Religion Foundation