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FFRF gets Christian movie removed from school (April 22, 2016)

The Christian movie “Facing the Giants” will no longer be shown in South Dearborn Community Schools, thanks to a complaint lodged by FFRF.

The film follows a struggling high school football coach who inspires his team to believe in the Christian God and to use faith to win football games. South Dearborn Middle School reportedly had students watch it as a reward for finishing a test. When FFRF’s complainants contacted the school, they were repeatedly told next time students would be allowed to opt out of watching such movies.

“The district may not require students to opt out of a movie screening, intended as a class reward, in order to avoid a school-sponsored religious message,” wrote FFRF Legal Fellow Ryan Jayne.

The school principal replied promptly, assuring FFRF that the film will not be shown again, and the school would “make sure that any film shown remains neutral toward religion.”

Freedom From Religion Foundation