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FFRF ends bible handouts in Washington high school (July 10, 2013)

The Freedom From Religion Foundation ensured the Gideons will not be allowed to hand out bibles to students at Cascade School District in Everett, Wash.

The Gideons are an organization of evangelical Christian men who force New Testament bibles onto people, particularly children, and attempt to convert them into Christianity.

A concerned member of the school district reached out to FFRF after the Gideon’s handed out bibles to the students at Cascade High School. FFRF was informed that the Gideon men tricked students into taking the bible by passing them out upside-down.

FFRF Staff Attorney Andrew Seidel sent a letter to Cascade School District Superintendent Steve McKenna in a June 27 letter requesting the Gideons not be allowed on public school property to distribute religious material.

McKenna responded to FFRF on July 10 that the Gideons will not be allowed on campus in the future. “The situation was unfortunate and should not have occurred,” McKenna wrote.

Freedom From Religion Foundation