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FFRF causes religious emails at a Kansas school to be reviewed (Dec. 7, 2012)

Wichita Public Schools in Wichita, Kan., is revising school policy after receiving a letter from the Freedom From Religion Foundation.

FFRF Staff Attorney Stephanie Schmitt wrote to Wichita Public Schools Superintendent John Allison in a Nov. 8 letter. Two staff members at Wichita West High School had bible quotations in their official district email signature. Schmitt said the religious endorsement was offensive and unconstitutional and she recommended that the district inform the staff not to use government resources to push a religious agenda.

Wichita Public Schools General Counsel Thomas Powell responded to FFRF with a Dec. 7 letter which said the email situation will be addressed along with the separation of church/state in the revisions of school policy.

Freedom From Religion Foundation