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Iowa superintendent to stop proselytizing (September 13, 2021)

In Iowa, South Hardin Community Schools Superintendent Adam Zellmer will stop proselytizing through official district email after FFRF contacted him.

A concerned district employee reported to FFRF that the superintendent had been discussing ā€œreligious beliefs, quoting bible verses, and sermonsā€ through emails to the school staff. Some examples include: ā€œThe pastor at my brotherā€™s church had an amazing message on Sunday that tied in directly with the State Wrestling Tournament,ā€ and ā€œMy faith in Jesus Christ is the foundation on which I strive to not only follow, but also lead from.ā€

Staff Attorney Christopher Line sent a letter to the superintendent, telling him that when a superintendent uses official channels to promote personal religious beliefs, it creates the impression in the minds of nonreligious district employees that they are ā€œoutsiders, not full members of the political community,ā€ as well as to immediately quit preaching his beliefs to district staff members through official district channels.

Zellmer reassured FFRF that he would be more cognizant of writing to his staff and consider their rights and freedoms.

Freedom From Religion Foundation