Oklahoma’s Council on Law Enforcement Education and Training (CLEET) is taking steps to eliminate unconstitutional religious training materials after receiving an FFRF complaint. A peace officer in training told FFRF that during training, instructors and materials repeatedly promoted religion.
Course materials contained statements such as, “While there are differences between the various faiths, we still are a people of God. This idea is the basis for the common bond of all people.” A section focusing on ethics encouraged peace officers to dedicate themselves before God to their chosen profession.
In an Oct. 7 letter, Staff Attorney Sam Grover wrote, “CLEET must revise its training materials and lectures by removing suggestions that belief in God is an essential component of being a competent peace officer.”
Grover corresponded with an attorney representing CLEET who said he was taking steps to remove religious content, adding that instructors were warned about expressing their personal religious views in class.