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FFRF tells Arkansas school, “reason is the only way” (Feb. 17, 2012)

The Freedom From Religion Foundation has put a stop to overtly religious assemblies at Greenbriar Public Schools in Greenbriar, Ark.

In early February, Greenbriar High School condoned a Christian-themed assembly featuring speakers from a local rehabilitation facility, Renewal Ranch. FFRF Staff Attorney Patrick Elliott wrote to Superintendent Scott Spainhour on Feb. 8, advising him to “immediately cancel any other scheduled Renewal Ranch assemblies and avoid inviting them into public schools in the future.” Renewal Ranch identifies as a Christian organization dedicated to “restoring broken lives through Christ where men with addictions can develop a personal love relationship with Jesus and God will be glorified!”

Through its complainants, FFRF learned that five members of the Renewal Ranch were present at the assembly. The members blatantly used the event as a means to proselytize, making statements such as, “the road to salvation” and “Jesus Christ is the only way.”

FFRF received a positive reply from Spainhour on Feb. 17: “In order to insure that the incident is not repeated, the building principal will require that in the future all speakers making presentations to the student body are directed to the school’s policy regarding religion and instructed to follow the same.” 

Freedom From Religion Foundation