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FFRF stops religious emails at Alabama agency (July 13, 2012)

The Freedom From Religion Foundation ended an inappropriate use of official email by a government agency employee in Alabama.

An employee of the Alabama Medicaid Agency used her official email account to send out an email asking recipients to help ban a supposed upcoming film depicting Jesus as a homosexual. Her email included a quotation from the bible and urged recipients, ā€œLetā€™s stand for what we believe and stop the mockery of Jesus Christ our Savior.ā€

FFRF staff attorney Stephanie Schmitt sent a letter to the agency commissioner on June 20, 2012. She argued ā€œit is grossly inappropriate to include religious references in an email from an official government employee.ā€ Schmitt also pointed out that this action was against the Alabama Information Technology Policy regarding email usage.

In a July 13 response, acting commissioner Stephanie McGee Azar agreed that this employee violated the policies of the agency and ā€œappropriate disciplinary actionā€ was taken against her. Azar assured FFRF that all agency employees were reminded that ā€œstate email systems shall not be used for conducting any religious or political activities.ā€

Freedom From Religion Foundation