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FFRF stops religion at Tennessee Correction Academy employee in-services (Oct. 2, 2011)

FFRF stopped prayer and religion at mandatory employee in-service at a Tennessee correctional facility.

An alarmed employee and FFRF members in Tennessee notified FFRF that the Tennessee Correction Academy was engaging in religious practices at employee in-service. FFRF was told there were bibles in employeesā€™ rooms and prayer while employees were in formation. It was also FFRFā€™s understanding that there were religious postings in the gym. FFRF Senior Staff Attorney Rebecca Markert sent a Sept. 16, 2011, letter to Tennessee Correction Academy Superintendent Sam DiNicola advising him to end illegal employee in-services.

In DiNicolaā€™s Oct. 12 reply he wrote, ā€œPlease be advised that as of Oct. 2, 2011, a presentation which informs or reminds trainees of the separation between church and state has been added to all academy orientation sessions presented to trainees shortly after their arrival.ā€ All religious postings in the gym have been removed, as well as the practice of furnishing bibles to dormitory rooms. 

Freedom From Religion Foundation