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FFRF stops prayer at assembly in Alabama (November 2023)

FFRF has made sure that the Alabaster City School District in Alabama is aware that public schools are unable to include prayers in mandatory assemblies.

A Thompson High School student reported to FFRF that the school held an official school prayer during a mandatory Veterans Day assembly that took place during the school day. The complainant reported that on Nov. 11, 2022, an administrator at the school introduced a student representative of First Priority to lead everyone in prayer.

FFRF Staff Attorney Chris Line, who wrote to the school district’s legal representatives, heard back from Melissa B. McKie of Bishop, Colvin, Johnson & Kent, LLC, who wrote, “Please be advised that the school system has never had a policy allowing or endorsing an ‘official school prayer’ at a school assembly and the school system has spoken with administrators at Thompson High School to remind them of that fact.”

Freedom From Religion Foundation