Midlothian Independent School District in Midlothian, Texas, will no longer display a religious dedication plaque at Mt. Peak Elementary. The two by three foot plaque next to the front entrance of the school included two Latin crosses and read: “Dedicated in the year of our Lord 1997 to the education of God’s children and to their faithful teachers in the name of the Holy Christian Church — Soli Deo Gloria.”
On June 26, FFRF Staff Attorney Sam Grover sent a letter to District Superintendent Jerome Stewart, explaining, “The plaque at Mt. Peak Elementary offends the Constitution. . . since the plaque specifically promotes ‘the Holy Christian Church’ and contains a Latin phrase meaning ‘glory to God alone’ or ‘glory to the only God.’ The two Latin crosses on the plaque further solidify its impermissible purpose.”
Legal counsel for the District responded on July 17, advising that “the plaque will be removed from the Mt. Peak Elementary School as requested.