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FFRF lays creationism plan to rest in Ohio school (Aug. 21, 2011)

The Springboro, Ohio School Board will no longer pursue a proposal by board members to teach creationism along with evolution. FFRF Senior Staff Attorney Rebecca Markert sent a letter Aug. 2 to board President Don Miller to object to the plan. ā€œIt is wildly inappropriate for the religious beliefs of a few board members to be pushed on a captive audience of public school students,ā€ Markert wrote. ā€œSuch a practice alienates those teachers and students who practice other religious faiths, those who are nonreligious, and those who believe that science and religion are compatible.ā€

The Dayton Daily News had reported earlier comments by board member Kelly Kohls saying that ā€œCreationism is a significant part of the history of this country. It is an absolutely valid theory, and to omit it means we are omitting part of the history of this country.ā€ Kohls, who heads the Warren County Tea Party, was backed by Jo Ellen Myers, who like Kohls belongs to Educate Ohio, a statewide group of conservative school board members. ā€œIf theyā€™re teaching the one, why not [both]?ā€ Myers said. She said she believes in creationism but not evolution, because evolution is ā€œbased on a theory that canā€™t even be proven.ā€

The Daily News reported Aug. 21 that Kohls had changed her mind and was dropping her proposal. Along with FFRF, ACLU of Ohio had also objected.

Freedom From Religion Foundation