FFRF kicks religion out of New York classroom (Sept. 11, 2012)

The Freedom From Religion Foundation has stopped a Cheektowaga Central High School teacher from pushing religion in her classroom in Cheektowaga, N.Y.

The Advanced Placement Anatomy teacher posted bible verses and a drawing of three crosses around her classroom. She also invited a guest speaker to her class who used bible verses to encourage students to ā€œhead down the right path.ā€ FFRF Senior Staff Attorney Rebecca Markert wrote to Cheektowaga Superintendent Dennis Kane on June 7, 2012, objecting on behalf of a student.

FFRFā€™s student complainant reported that the teacher showed a copy of the June 7 letter to her class on the last day of school, disclaiming responsibility for her actions. The teacher also attacked the anonymous student, saying whoever had complained to FFRF lacked integrity and character and was on the same level as a student who had cheated on the classā€™s final exam.

Markert sent another letter to the school district outlining this egregious reprisal on June 14. In a series of replies sent on June 20, June 22, and Sept. 11, Kane informed FFRF that he took the complaint very seriously, had done an extensive investigation of the matter, and confirmed what the student described. He reported that all religious displays were removed from the classroom and that the teacher was reprimanded and directed not to discuss religion in her classroom.

Freedom From Religion Foundation