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FFRF gets Ill. school to end proselytizing events (January/February 2024)

School District U-46 in Elgin, Ill., has taken action to ensure students will no longer be proselytized through events held during school hours.

A community member reported that Elgin High School (EHS) Bible Club was hosting a religious event in the EHS auditorium on Nov. 15, 16 and 17, including events on the 15th and 16th that were held during school hours. At least one district teacher was promoting the event and invited students to attend while acting in official capacity.

“District promotion of a religious event sends an official message that excludes all nonreligious district students and community members,” FFRF Legal Fellow Sammi Lawrence wrote to Superintendent Suzanne Johnson.

After receiving the letter, Johnson wrote to FFRF, stating that “the district intends to ensure that employees will not compel, coerce, persuade or encourage students to join in any prayer or religious activity. The district intends to take reasonable measures to ensure that students are not pressured or encouraged to join in any private prayer that may be occurring.”

Freedom From Religion Foundation