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FFRF ends Louisiana prayer violations (August 31, 2016)

Thanks to FFRF, the Calcasieu Parish Public Schools have resolved two constitutional violations. Westlake High School will no longer broadcast prayers at football games. Vinton Elementary School will not repeat an incident that occurred on Aug. 7, when the community was invited to come to the school for prayer and a tour of the facilities.

FFRF Staff Attorney Sam Grover first wrote to the school district in September 2015 about the football prayers, receiving no response despite several follow up letters. Grover wrote again on Aug. 26 about the elementary prayer event. “Hosting a prayer event at a public school alienates non-religious students and families, as well as those who practice a minority religion,” he said. “A public school district should seek to be inclusive of all students and families, not just those in the religious majority.”

Gregory Belfour, the school’s attorney, responded just a few days later this time. He said the superintendent would communicate the “constitutional limitations” on government-sponsored prayer to the Vinton principal, and school administrators at Westlake had been advised to stop promoting prayers at football games.

Freedom From Religion Foundation