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FFRF earns victory in Iowa high school (October 11, 2017)

A concerned parent informed FFRF that a football coach for Waukee High School in Waukee, Iowa, had instituted team prayer and devotionals.

The team’s head coach, Scott Carlson, had been praying with the team before and after every game, and requested that players join him. Reportedly, at one recent away game, the players were instructed to “take a knee” in the end zone and join Carlson in a prayer before they could leave. Furthermore, it was reported that other members of the coaching staff hold religious devotional sessions prior to every game, and encourage members of the team to attend a weekly Christian youth outreach program, “Ignition.”

FFRF Staff Attorney Patrick Elliott wrote to the Waukee Community School District warning that public school employees may not organize and advocate for team prayer.

The school district superintendent responded on Oct. 11 notifying FFRF that the First Amendment violations had ended.

Freedom From Religion Foundation