FFRF chides Texas school for showing overtly religious film (Feb. 27, 2012)

The Freedom From Religion Foundation has prevented future Trinity High School (Bedford, Texas) classrooms from screening blatantly religious films.

During the month of January several classes viewed the film “Fireproof.” It is FFRF’s understanding that at least one student objected to the Christian content of the movie before it was shown. “Fireproof” chronicles the life of a Christian man who is forced to save his marriage by showing his wife the love of Christ. Within the movie the protagonist “recommits his life to God and uses God’s helping hand to discover what it means to love his wife.” In a Feb. 7 advisory letter, FFRF Staff Attorney Stephanie Schmitt pointed out the “serious constitutional concerns” associated with the screening of this film to a captive audience of high school students.

FFRF further discovered that “Fireproof” is a product of Sherwood Pictures, the “moviemaking ministry.” This production company is run by the Sherwood Baptist Church in Albany, Ga., and is known for producing “Christian propaganda.”

On Feb. 27, FFRF was notified by the school district’s superintendent that the teacher was directed not to show the movie again. The superintendent added, “You can be assured that the movie is not part of any district curriculum.” 

Freedom From Religion Foundation