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Columbia Missouri employee reminded of constitutional obligation (January 25, 2019)

A Columbia Public Schools employee has been reminded of his obligation to refrain from leading or participating in religious clubs at school.

A concerned district community member reported that a teacher and basketball coach at Gentry Middle School had been actively leading a Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) club at the school for several years. FCA is a Christian organization whose mission is to ā€œlead every coach and athlete into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and his church.ā€

FFRF Legal Fellow Colin McNamara wrote to Superintendent Peter Stiepleman, alerting him to this teacherā€™s unlawful leadership of the club.

The district investigated the matter and spoke with the teacher. ā€œWe reiterated the school districtsā€™ position,ā€ the superintendentā€™s letter read, ā€œthat children may form religious clubs, but that teachers/staff, in their capacity as school employees, may not participate in or lead any type of religious clubs.ā€

Freedom From Religion Foundation