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Coach will no longer promote religion to his team (April 22, 2019)

The Animas Public Schools high school basketball coach who was violating the Constitution resigned after FFRF alerted the school district.

A concerned community member reported to FFRF that the head coach of the Animas High School boys basketball team was promoting religion to his team. Before a playoff game on Feb. 27, the coach had his players wear T-shirts that said, ā€œI can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.ā€ The coach was also reportedly holding bible studies with players.

FFRF Legal Fellow Chris Line wrote to Superintendent Loren Cushman.

Cushman acknowledged in his response that FFRFā€™s concerns were real and informed FFRF that the coach had resigned. And he added, ā€œWe will address each of the areas of concern during our staff in-service training at the start of the next school year.ā€

Freedom From Religion Foundation