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Bible school promo on city Facebook page ended (September 2023)

The city of Blakely, Ga., has taken action to not allow posts advertising religious programs on its official Facebook page after FFRF complained.

A resident reported to FFRF that the city of Blakely promoted two vacation bible schools on its official Facebook page. The city posted about the events at least 12 times from late May to early June. The posts explicitly directed residents to ā€œjoin usā€ in attending the religious events and promoted the First Baptist Church hosting the programs.

ā€œBy officially promoting these Christian vacation bible schools, the city of Blakely signals a clear preference for religion over nonreligion and a specific brand of Christianity over all other faiths,ā€ FFRF Staff Attorney Chris Line wrote to Mayor Travis Whimbush.

Legal Representative Tommy Coleman responded to the letter, informing FFRF that these posts had not been presented to the mayor and council. Coleman assured that these posts would not continue. ā€œIt is my understanding that the city now better understands the parameters for community use of the cityā€™s Facebook page. I do not expect any further postings of the nature and content you provided,ā€ he wrote.

Freedom From Religion Foundation