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Annual religious event ceased at Michigan high school (August 27, 2019)

A Michigan public school district has ceased all involvement with an annual religious event after FFRF pointed out the constitutional issues with such a religious endorsement.

The Mesick High School Marching Band reportedly performed the national anthem at the 18th annual ā€œBlessing of the Jeepsā€ event on May 4. The ā€œBlessing of the Jeepsā€ is a Christian prayer event where Jeep enthusiasts come together ā€œto ask for a blessing from God on the off-road season of that year.ā€ The event apparently changes from year to year, but generally includes a sermon from a Christian minister and a group prayer. The marching bandā€™s director Craig Jones arranged for the band to perform at the event, requested that parents volunteer to chaperone and then directed the band during its performance which took place under a large Latin cross. Jones has apparently had the band perform at the ā€œBlessing of the Jeepsā€ since at least 2013.

FFRF Legal Fellow Colin McNamara wrote to Superintendent Scott Akom, asking that the district cease any involvement with the annual ā€œBlessing of the Jeeps,ā€ or any other religious events.

A law firm representing the district sent a response letter informing FFRF that the Board of Education discussed the issue in a closed session.

ā€œFrom this point forward, the district will cease all involvement with the annual ā€˜Blessing of the Jeepsā€™ event,ā€ the letter reads. ā€œThe districtā€™s band will no longer perform the national anthem at the event or handle parking for the event.ā€

Freedom From Religion Foundation