“Naturally they stopped at the Beethoven statue that Schumann had been visiting nearly every day; the monument was his church and his altar. ” …
Tim Berners-Lee
“I rejected [Christianity] just after being ‘confirmed’ and told how essential it was to believe in all kinds of unbelievable things.” …
Nikki Giovanni
“I can’t dig theology …” …
Charles Strouse
“My sister died in ’41 of breast cancer, and I remember a rabbi saying that ‘God in his infinite wisdom has chosen to take this young girl.’ That was a …
Alice Hubbard
“The world can only be redeemed through action — movement — motion. Uncoerced, unbribed and unbought, humanity will move toward the light.” …
Maxine Kumin
“I don’t see any wavering between agnosticism and atheism. I’ve been an atheist since the age of about 16.” …
Harvey Fierstein
“We are lucky enough to be living in a country that not only guarantees the freedom to practice religion as we see fit, but also freedom FROM religious zealots who …
Aram Khachaturian
I’m an atheist, but I’m a son of the [Armenian] people who were the first to officially adopt Christianity and thus visiting the Vatican was my duty.” …
Sam Simon
“I’m an atheist, but there’s a thing called tithing that a lot of religions do. Ten percent was the minimum you were supposed to give to charity every year. And …