“If, as the true believers claim, the word ‘gospel’ means good news, then the good news for me is that there is no gospel, other than what I can define …
Dax Shepard
“I’m an atheist. Slow your roll :)” …
‘Wall of Separation’ Phrase Coined
“I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibit the free …
“Christianity is a formula: it is nothing more.” …
Michel Onfray
“I persist in preferring philosophers to rabbis, priests, imams, ayatollahs, and mullahs. Rather than trust their theological hocus-pocus, I prefer to draw on alternatives to the dominant philosophical historiography: the …
E.M. Forster
“I do not believe in Belief.” “There lies at the back of every creed something terrible and hard for which the worshipper may one day be required to suffer.” …
Gustave Tridon
“He received the most splendid Freethinker’s funeral witnessed in Belgium.” …