“Of God, the Devil and Darwin, we have really good scientific evidence for the existence of only Darwin.” …
James F. Crow
“My main personal reason for nonbelief is: Why would an all-powerful and especially benevolent creator permit so much sin and suffering?” …
A.A. Milne
“The Old Testament is responsible for more atheism, agnosticism, disbelief — call it what you will — than any book ever written; it has emptied more churches than all the …
“If triangles made a god, they would give him three sides.” …
Peter Annet (Died)
Gilles Deleuze
“A concept is a brick. It can be used to build a courthouse of reason. Or it can be thrown through the window.” …
Sean Danielsen
“I’m definitely against all organized religion just because, when you really look at it, organized religion has caused most of the deaths in the history of this planet. Most of …
Benjamin Franklin
“The way to see by Faith is to shut the eye of Reason.” …
Desmond M. Clarke
“If one insisted that publicly funded schools should always reflect the beliefs of the majority, then the results would be obvious in a state where a voting majority is Marxist, …