“You don’t have to be brave or a saint, a martyr, or even very smart to be an atheist. All you have to be able to say is ‘I don’t …
Indianapolis Freethinkers (Minutes)
“The corresponding secretary was put in charge: to communicate with the Freethinkers Society in Milwaukee, in order to initiate a closer connection of the existing freethinkers societies.” …
Robert Emmet
“I am an infidel from conviction, and no reasoning can shake my unbelief.” …
William Godwin
“Either reason is the curse of our species, and human nature is to be regarded with horror; or it becomes us to employ our understanding and to act upon it, …
Ira Glass
“And for whatever reasons now, I have a bunch of friends, my wife and I have a bunch of friends, who are very devout religious people. And we hang out …
Brian Cox
“So for me, the idea I would be able to have an entertaining and enjoyable afternoon discussing with people with whom I suppose I have to say I disagree at …
Sir Edward Herbert
“There is a universal church made up of all people who assent to these basic beliefs, and [Herbert] rejects the Bible as revelation. ‘Revelation,’ he said, ‘is every divine and …
John Irving
“I must remind the Roman Catholic Church of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution: ‘Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free …
Matt Taibbi
MEHTA: What role should religion play in the political arena?TAIBBI: Well, I’m an atheist/agnostic, so I would say none. People should stick to solving the problems they have the tools …