“I have made compacts with fourteen different persons that whichever of us died first would communicate with the other if it were possible, but I have never received a word.” …
Robert Louis Heilbroner
What sort of religion will transform capitalism? A “statist” religion, says Heilbroner, that will elevate mankind’s “collective and communal destiny” and absolutely subordinate private interests to public requirements. …
Joel Barlow
“As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion; as it has in itself no character of enmity against the …
Erich Fromm
“If faith cannot be reconciled with rational thinking, it has to be eliminated as an anachronistic remnant of earlier stages of culture and replaced by science dealing with facts and …
William Smith
“In 1793 William Smith, a canal digger, made a startling discovery that was to turn the fledgling science of the history of the Earth — and a central plank of …
Richard Proctor
“[H]e became a student at King’s College, where he came out either at or close to the head of the honours list in Theology, a subject for which he was …
William Shatner
“My belief system is that when this is over, it’s over. That you don’t look down from heaven and wait for your loved ones to join you.” …
Stephen Sondheim
“It’s called flowers wilt / It’s called apples rot / It’s called thieves get rich / And saints get shot / It’s called God don’t answer prayers a lot / …
Stephen Pearl Andrews
“I reject and repudiate the interference of the State, precisely as I do the interference of the Church.” …