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February 14, 2022

No unconstitutional PR for churches, FFRF insists to Indiana DNR

Focus on the natural outdoors instead of church interiors, the Freedom From Religion Foundation is advising the Indiana Department of Natural Resources. An Indiana resident recently contacted the state/church watchdog …

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February 11, 2022

FFRF applauds Raskin bill for Thomas Paine D.C. memorial

 The Freedom From Religion Foundation is grateful that Rep. Jamie Raskin, D-Md., has introduced legislation today, HR 6720, to authorize the construction of a long overdue memorial to Thomas Paine.  …

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February 10, 2022

Atheist state senator interviewed on FFRF TV show Sunday

Watch the teaser here.  An up and coming legislator serving in the Freedom From Religion Foundation’s home state is the guest on “Freethought Matters” TV show this Sunday. There’s a …

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February 9, 2022

FFRF condemns proposed Texas-style abortion ban in Wisconsin

The Freedom From Religion Foundation’s home state of Wisconsin is the latest to be swept up in horrific anti-abortion legislation. On Feb. 8, Wisconsin Republicans held a hearing on a …

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February 9, 2022

FFRF, BJC report: Christian nationalism and the January 6 Insurrection

Two of the nation’s leading advocacy groups have issued a blockbuster report delineating the role Christian nationalism played in last year’s assault on the Capitol. The Baptist Joint Committee for …

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February 8, 2022

Local FFRF members cinch a victory to halt prayer by Mich. county board

The Freedom From Religion Foundation and its members in Michigan have persuaded a county board to reverse its prayer policy and halt governmental prayer. After multiple concerned area residents reported …

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February 8, 2022

FFRF hails Huntington High (W.Va.) proposed student walkout over religious assembly

  The Freedom From Religion Foundation is applauding West Virginia students for a planned Wednesday walkout to protest a recent religious assembly with coerced student participation. The national state/church watchdog, which …

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February 7, 2022

FFRF Reagan ad moves from ‘60 Minutes’ to Rachel Maddow’s show

The ads are on hiatus, pending Rachel Maddow’s return to hosting the show. FFRF will update this site when we confirm the dates our ads will air. Ron Reagan’s iconic …

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February 7, 2022

FFRF pulls up to an Illinois victory over church parking subsidy

The city of Morris has agreed to stop a discriminatory parking policy favoring churchgoers after the Freedom From Religion Foundation stepped in. The presence of four “church parking only” signs …

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Freedom From Religion Foundation