The Freedom From Religion Foundation is cautioning the Ohio governor that his exemption of religious gatherings from coronavirus-related restrictions is putting innumerable Ohioans at risk. Ohio’s stay-at-home order, amended April …
Irreverent FFRF animated music video makes ‘heavenly’ splash
The Freedom From Religion Foundation is delighted to release its first animated music video, which takes a gentle jibe at unreasonable beliefs in an afterlife. What better time than the …
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Pressure your lawmakers to ensure accessibility of vote by mail
American secular voters are becoming a force. Secular voters sharply increased their share of the U.S. electorate to 17 percent by 2018: a massive 55 percent increase. The Freedom From …
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Universal vote by mail — it’s a secular issue
The injustice of forcing citizens to endanger their lives to vote in the midst of a pandemic was recently brought home to the Freedom From Religion Foundation during the debacle …
FFRF tutors members of Congress on the Constitution
The Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) is objecting on constitutional grounds to members of Congress urging federal agencies to include houses of worship in the stimulus package. The CARES …
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What to do if public officials exempt churches from stay-at-home orders
Many of you have contacted FFRF, angry and worried that governors or other officials across the country are exempting churches and religious worship from the “safer at home” orders necessary …
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Science works, stay home, FFRF urges Floridians
A national state/church watchdog today has placed a timely digital message on a billboard in Melbourne, Fla.: “Science works! Please stay home.” The large billboard is on Interstate 95 at …
FFRF: Church exceptions mean Safe at Home order not safe enough
The Freedom From Religion Foundation is cautioning that new “drive-up Easter” worship rules in Wisconsin are likely to be abused and that the “Safer at Home” executive order issued March …
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Quit promoting Christianity, FFRF tells Alabama Lt. Gov.
Stop exploiting the pandemic to promote Christianity, says the Freedom From Religion Foundation to the Alabama lieutenant governor. On April 8, Lt. Gov. Will Ainsworth used his official social media …
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