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TAKE ACTION: Abortion rights are on the chopping block in Iowa



The Iowa Legislature is advancing a dangerous bill, Senate Resolution 2, to amend the state Constitution to say that there is no constitutional right to an abortion. Please take a few moments to urge your lawmakers to oppose this bill.

If passed, this joint resolution would place a constitutional amendment on the 2024 ballot that would overturn a 2018 Iowa Supreme Court decision declaring abortion a fundamental right under the state Constitution. This bill would ultimately make it easier for more abortion restrictions and for the state to ban abortion outright if Roe v. Wade is ever overturned, which many fear may be in the near future. Read more.

The bill codifies into law beliefs not based on science or morality, but on religion and so-called holy books. The Christian Right has been and remains the primary opponent to womenā€™s reproductive rights.

The Iowa House of Representatives just passed this resolution. It is now headed to the Senate for a vote next Monday, Feb. 1, at noon. Please use our simple, automated system to contact your state senator and urge them to oppose this dangerous bill. Feel free to use or adapt the talking points provided. Personalized messages are always the most effective!


Freedom From Religion Foundation