303 Creative LLC v. Elenis (2022)

FFRF filed an amicus brief with the Supreme Court in support of Colorado officials on August 18, 2022. This case involved a Colorado business owner who claimed she was planning to start designing wedding websites but wanted to do so without needing to provide service to same-sex couples. This denial of service would violate the Colorado Anti-Discrimination Act because it prevents businesses from refusing service on the basis of sexual orientation. The 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in favor of the Colorado officials and found that the free speech rights of the businesses are not violated by the law.

FFRFā€™s brief argued that the business owner lacked standing to challenge the law because she manufactured a case without actually designing wedding websites. It also argued that a ruling in favor of 303 Creative would lead to increased religious discrimination. FFRF was joined by the Center For Inquiry, the American Humanist Association, and the American Atheists on this brief.


Press ReleaseĀ 

Freedom From Religion Foundation