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Niangua School District decided against promoting religious events on district’s Facebook page (January 2025)


The Niangua R-V School District has decided against promoting religious events on the district’s official Facebook page in the future, thanks to FFRF’s activism.

A concerned employee reported that the district promoted a religious event via its official Facebook page. The district’s Nov. 3 Facebook post partially read, “FCA is sponsoring a trip to YthCon in Seymour, Mo., on Wednesday, Nov. 6. The bus will leave at 5 p.m. and will return between 9 and 10. This is a free trip for all JH and HS students, not just athletes. The night will consist of food, games, worship and messages from guest speakers.”

“Government religious speech promoting Christian viewpoints marginalizes and excludes non-Christian students, teachers and parents whose religious beliefs are inconsistent with the message being promoted by the school staff,” FFRF Patrick O’Reiley Legal Fellow Hirsh M. Joshi wrote to District Superintendent David Baker.

Baker himself responded to FFRF’s concerns in an official letter from the district. “In an effort to avoid any confusion regarding district sponsorship or promotion of non-district activities, Niangua School District has determined to only post district-sponsored events and school related information on its school media going forward,” Baker wrote.

Freedom From Religion Foundation