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Prayer removed from Ind. school board meetings (June/July 2023)

A concerned FFRF member reported that members of the Crawford County (Ind.) Board of Education told those in attendance to stand during a prayer that immediately followed the Pledge of Allegiance.

FFRF Equal Justice Works Fellow Kat Grant wrote a letter to the district, requesting that the practice be immediately ceased. “The fact that the prayers are not on the meeting minutes or agenda do not make prayer at a public board meeting constitutional. Students and parents have the right — and often have reason — to participate in school board meetings,” Grant wrote.

FFRF heard back from Karen Sheller, president of the Crawford County Community Corp Board of Trustees. “I, too, have questioned this practice, but was assured that because prayer took place before the meeting started and not during the meeting, it was acceptable,” Sheller wrote. Sheller thanked FFRF for bringing the situation to her awareness and assured that the practice has been discontinued.

Freedom From Religion Foundation