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Alabama bible club no longer led by parents (January 23, 2023)

After a parent-led bible club and a discriminatory apparel policy were brought to FFRF’s attention, action was taken to bring the Alabaster (Ala.) City School District in line.

Concerned parents in the district reported a “First Priority” bible club at Thompson Intermediate School run by a parent.

Additionally, the dress code guidelines were also brought into question. The code bans students “from wearing any sign, symbol, logo or garment which has become synonymous with . . . Satanism.”

“Schools should not allow non-school persons to treat schools as a recruiting ground for their religious mission,” FFRF Staff Attorney Chris Line wrote in a letter to Superintendent Wayne Vickers.

FFRF received a letter from Melissa B. McKie, legal counsel representing the Alabaster City Board of Education. McKie wrote, “The school system has spoken with each of the adults who supervise the First Priority groups that meet on its campuses and has reminded them that the groups must be student-led.” Additionally, the letter stated that the references to Satanism in the dress code have been removed.


Freedom From Religion Foundation