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Take action! Urge your member of Congress to vote YES on House Bill 6720!

Thomas Paine

A House committee just unanimously approved House Bill 6720 to authorize the Thomas Paine Memorial Association to establish a commemorative work in the District of Columbia. Since it may potentially go to a floor vote at any time, please contact your member of Congress today to support the bill!

The bill would allow a Thomas Paine memorial to be built in Washington, D.C. This is a bipartisan bill that would pay respects to the “forgotten Founder” that continues to advance in in the Congress. Please take a brief moment to contact your representative urging support for the bill.

Paine’s writings in Common Sense and Crisis made the case for American independence and sparked the American Revolution. Freethinkers revere him as the author of The Age of Reason and freedom lovers everywhere hold him in awe for proclaiming “the world is my country” and for working to advance freedom, equality and democracy.




Freedom From Religion Foundation