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Religious club will no longer be promoted by a teacher (April 5, 2019)

FFRF resolved multiple constitutional violations in Jefferson County Schools after a district community member alerted FFRF to ongoing violations in the district.

The complainant reported that Clay-Chalkville High School promoted a ā€œSee You at the Poleā€ event to its students. The school reportedly included a teacher-led advertisement for First Priority, a religious club operating at the school, in one of its daily announcement videos for students. The event was also promoted in the schoolā€™s newsletter.

FFRF Legal Fellow Chris Line pointed out the unconstitutional nature of allowing a teacher to promote a religious club at the school, as well as the schoolā€™s endorsement of the ā€œSee You at the Poleā€ event.

The district has addressed both issues. ā€œClay-Chalkville High School will not promote the See You at the Pole event in the future,ā€ the district confirmed in a response letter. Additionally, the district will make sure that, moving forward, the First Priority Club will be entirely student-initiated and neither the school nor its employees will lead, participate in or promote any meetings or club events.

Freedom From Religion Foundation