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Pennsylvania schools end state-church violations (May 11, 2017)

After hearing of multiple shocking constitutional violations occurring within the Wilson School District in Pennsylvania, FFRF took action to warn the district of its duty to keep religion out of its public schools.

FFRF was made aware that Wilson Southern Middle School was regularly advertising religious events. A bible study was being hosted by two Wilson Southern Middle School teachers before school. Teachers handed out flyers promoting the bible study, which was advocated for in the morning announcements. A Christian “See You at The Pole” event was also featured in the school’s announcements. And sixth-graders were sent to Camp Swatara Church of the Brethren, a Christian camp.

FFRF Legal Fellow Madeline Ziegler wrote to Superintendent Curt Baker on March 2. On May 11, district administration responded that the issues FFRF raised had been investigated and that the district had taken the necessary steps to address the violations.

Freedom From Religion Foundation