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Religious promotion ends (November 29, 2016)

The Gunter Independent School District in Texas has been educated on its obligation to uphold the Establishment Clause of the US. Constitution after violations made by staff members.

FFRF took action after receiving a report that a social studies teacher at Gunter High School, Kerry Clement, had shown his ninth-grade class the trailer for the 1991 movie “Not Without My Daughter” when teaching about Islam. Clement supplemented the trailer with statements that all Muslims have multiple wives and that they are “hateful” and “wife beaters.” In contrast, Clement spent two days discussing Christianity with the class and teaching the tenets of Christianity as factual information by presenting a video about the miracles performed by Jesus in the bible.

Grover wrote to the school district asking it to ensure that its employees not promote religious beliefs in the classroom.

On Nov. 29, FFRF received a response from a firm representing Gunter ISD stating that Clement would ensure that all religions are represented in a historically and culturally accurate manner in the future. Christian ad removed

A sign advertising a Christian after-school program, Kids Beach Club, has been removed from the wall of Wester Elementary School in Texas after FFRF took action.

The sign, which read “Making Jesus cool at school!” had been permanently posted on the cafeteria wall of the public elementary school.

Grover expressed the FFRF’s objection to the district’s appearance of a government endorsement of a religious message to Lubbock Independent School District Berhel Robertson.

“When a school permanently displays a sign on its property advertising a Christian club, it has unconstitutionally entangled itself with a religious message,” wrote Grover.
An attorney representing Lubbock ISD informed FFRF on Dec. 22 that the advertisement had been removed from the school and communicated that the district had agreed that it never should have been put up.

Freedom From Religion Foundation