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Teacher won’t show Christian film again (July 5, 2016)

A physical education teacher in the Tattnall School District in Georgia will not show “Woodlawn” or other Christian films to his class again after hearing from FFRF.

The film was shown at Reedsville Middle School over two class periods. The movie, produced by a Christian film production company, follows a struggling football team that unites over faith to make a run at the playoffs. It features quotes such as “This is what happens when God shows up,” and “I’m asking you to choose Jesus. Can you do that? Will you do that? Right now.”

In a letter of complaint, FFRF Staff Attorney Elizabeth Cavell wrote, “When the district allows teachers to show Christian propaganda to middle school students, the district becomes complicit in an egregious constitutional violation and breach of trust.”

The superintendent responded on July 5, saying that she had met with the relevant teachers and administrators and that the district would review its procedure for approving classroom-appropriate media.

Freedom From Religion Foundation