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School cuts ties to baccalaureate service (June 29, 2016)

The North Mac Community Unit School District in Illinois has promised not to promote or fund a religious baccalaureate service for graduating high school seniors. A letter written by FFRF Staff Attorney Sam Grover prompted the move.

FFRF first contacted the district back in 2014 to complain about the district’s promotion of a religious baccalaureate service. At the time, the district replied that the service was organized by the North Mac Ministerial Association and assured FFRF that “no high school staff or administrators attended or participated in the event.”

In June 2016, FFRF again contacted the district after a complainant notified FFRF that the district was promoting yet another baccalaureate service on both its website and Facebook page. The service included school-approved speech that quoted from the bible multiple times.

After the service had already occurred, the superintendent informed FFRF that the promotions were taken down.

Freedom From Religion Foundation