New Lebanon Local Schools in Ohio will no longer fundraise for the Samaritan’s Purse, a religious organization headed by Franklin Graham.
FFRF learned that Dixie Elementary School in New Lebanon has asked its students to participate in a donation drive for “Operation Christmas Child,” a project of Samaritan’s Purse, for at least three years. The school sent home pamphlets to children explaining, “Operation Christmas Child partners with churches worldwide to reach boys and girls with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. After receiving shoebox gifts, many children are discipled through our Bible study course, The Greatest Journey, where they learn to become faithful followers of Christ and share their faith with others.” The pamphlet also instructs readers to, “most importantly,” pray for the gift recipient.
“While it is laudable for a public school to encourage young students to become active and involved in their community by volunteering and donating to charitable organizations, the school cannot use that goal as an avenue to fund a religious organization with a religious mission,” wrote Senior Staff Attorney Rebecca Markert in a Nov. 19 letter to the school district.
On Nov. 24, Superintendent Greg Williams notified Markert that the school district’s attorney “has led district administration to conclude that it is not appropriate to continue with this project.”