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FFRF turns away Flying Churchman from Oklahoma School (June 5, 2013)

The Freedom From Religion Foundation received a complaint that a choral worship convert was permitted to perform in Choctaw High School, Oklahoma.

The worship service was labeled a “concert” during the announcement over the schools’ PA system and lasted until the end of the scheduled school day. On May 21st, FFRF sent a letter to Superintendent of Schools, Jim McCharen, explaining the extent of the complaint.

FFRF Staff Attorney Andrew Seidel stated: “The Singing Churchmen of Oklahoma (SCO), an all-male choir, performed during school hours, on school property to public school students. According to their website this is part of the Baptist Church’s ‘ministry.’ Not only is the choir composed of ‘ministers,’ the stated “purpose of this unique group is to spread the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ through the vehicle of music.”

Many songs were performed during this worship service such as, “All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name” and “Your Great Name.” These songs contained lyrics such as: “Jesus, worthy is the lamb that was slain for us, son of God and Man, you are high and lifted up; and all the world will praise your great name.”

Seidel adds: “This was not simply religious music, it was worship music. The SCO exhorted students to join the choir in worship. The event began with a prayer and was punctuated with religious rhetoric like ‘All hail the power of Jesus name!'”

“After the receipt of your letter the central administration, which had no advance notice of the arrangement for the presentation, promptly investigated the matters you discussed with the High School Principal,” Jim McCharen responded. “[We] stressed with him the importance of avoiding reasonably perceived district endorsement of religious beliefs, scheduled a meeting of all school administrators within the district to discuss the constitutional concerns related to presentations of a religious nature, and has adopted an administrative procedural whereby any request to a local school administrator for a presentation by a non-district individual or group during the school day, whether having a secular or sectarian emphasis, will be referred to the central office for a decision at that level.”

Freedom From Religion Foundation