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FFRF stops proselytizing teacher in Arkansas (Sept. 13, 2012)

Thanks to a Freedom From Religion Foundation complaint, an elementary teacher in Little Rock, Ark., will no longer be permitted to proselytize her students.

The elementary school teacher in the Little Rock School District discussed her religion in class and, according to students, ā€œreferred to Jesus and God in several conversations.ā€

A June 21 letter from Staff Attorney Patrick Elliott warned that the teacherā€™s conduct violated the constitutional principle of separation between state and church. The letter cautioned, ā€œYou have an obligation under the law to make certain that ā€˜subsidized teachers do not inculcate religionā€™.ā€

The District responded on Sept. 13, assuring FFRF that the administration admonished the teacher that her conduct ā€œwas inappropriate and that she must follow the LRSD 5th Grade Curriculum.ā€

Freedom From Religion Foundation