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FFRF gets bible quotes out of Texas classroom (July 9, 2012)

The Freedom From Religion Foundation has stopped a teacher in the Clear Creek Independent School District (League City, Texas) from passing out class materials with inappropriate religious messages on them.

The teacher had been handing out lessons with a variety of bible quotes and references printed on them. FFRF Staff Attorney Stephanie Schmitt wrote to Superintendent Greg Smith on April 30, 2012: “It is unconstitutional and completely inappropriate for a public school teacher to promote his religious beliefs in the classroom.”

Clear Creek ISD’s General Counsel Sheila Haddock responded positively on July 9, saying that the lessons were unauthorized supplemental materials. Haddock informed FFRF that she and the school principal had talked to the teacher multiple times, and that she “explained the constitutional implications of his actions.” She also said that she had met with the Secondary Social Studies Coordinator “in an effort to reinforce this important message to all instructional staff district-wide.”

Freedom From Religion Foundation