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FFRF moves church trailer from Tenn. school (July 19, 2012)

FFRF wrote to Maury County Public Schools (Columbia, Tenn.) in July 2012 regarding a trailer from WellSpring Christian Church that was permanently parked next to the sign for Spring Hill Elementary. The church uses the elementary school for worship services on Sunday. FFRF Senior Staff Attorney Rebecca Markert wrote that it “is inappropriate for the District to permit advertisement of religious organizations or churches, especially a permanent advertisement, on school property. Even if allowed to rent District facilities to churches, a public school should not allow for any activity that would give the appearance of promoting or supporting religion.” She asked that the trailer “be removed or displayed only during the church’s actual rental time . . .”

An attorney for the school district responded on July 19 that “The church has been informed that this trailer, along with any other advertisement it utilizes, may only be upon school grounds immediately before and during the time in which the church utilizes the school facilities.”

Freedom From Religion Foundation