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FFRF ousts Gideons from Arkansas high school (March 6, 2012)

Gideons International representatives will no longer distribute bibles in the hallways of the Vocational-Technical Education Building of Warren High School in Warren, Arkansas, thanks to the Freedom From Religion Foundation.

During the 2011-2012 school year, at least two members of Gideon International were passing out bibles in halls of Warren High School. This clear violation of the Establishment Clause occurred during school hours. Staff Attorney Stephanie Schmitt sent a March 5 letter of complaint to Superintendent Andrew Tolbert. “The Warren School District cannot legally allow its schools to be utilized by overreaching proselytizers. By permitting the distribution of bibles on school grounds the District is placing its ‘stamp of approval’ on the religious messages contained in the gideon bible,” wrote Schmitt.

FFRF claimed victory over this issue on March 6. Assistant Superintendent Marilyn Johnson affirmed, “Our principals and the director of our technical school have been notified to discontinue the practice of Gideon Bible distribution.” 

Freedom From Religion Foundation