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Veterans Day

Originally known as Armistice Day, November 11 marks the anniversary of the ceasefire of World War I in 1918 on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month. In 1919 President Woodrow Wilson proclaimed November 11 as the first commemoration of Armistice Day and Congress made it a legal holiday in 1938. In 1954 Congress renamed the holiday Veterans Day.

Contrary to the myth that there have been ā€œno atheists in foxholes,ā€ nonreligious Americans have and are serving their country with valor and distinction. To recognize their contributions, and ā€œwith hope that in the future humankind may learn to avoid all war,ā€Ā FFRF in 1999 erected the first monument to Atheists in Foxholes, which rests beside its southern Freethought Hall near Talladega, Alabama. In 2015 FFRF placed a second Atheists in Foxholes monument at Freethought Hall in Madison, Wisconsin.

Freedom From Religion Foundation