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Just Pretend


By Dan Barker, Illustrated by Kati Treu

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A Book for Young Freethinkers

Written By Dan Barker

Illustrated by Kati Treu

Great Gift!

One of the greatest skills children can learn is to think for themselves. They need to know how to think clearly, how to question authority when necessary, and how to separate fantasy from fact. Just Pretend: A Book for Young Freethinkers is a truthful book that allows children to explore myths like Santa Claus compared with ideas like the existence of God. Just Pretend encourages children to apply the tests of reason to any idea, fairy tale, myth, or religion. Children should be allowed to make their decisions about their beliefs at their own pace. Just Pretend offers them a charming and frank look at religion from a freethought perspective.

(Alert: Santa spoiler)

Paperback, 32 pages.

*To request an autographed copy, please make a note in ā€œOrder notesā€ at checkout. Please specify whether or not you would like it personalized and who you would like it personalized for.

**Author donates a portion of the royalties from sales of this book to FFRF**


Freedom From Religion Foundation