Enlighten those on your gift list! Gift membership recipients will receive 10 issues of FFRF’s Freethought Today newspaper, plus two insider reports and a note acknowledging you as the gift giver.
Please note – very important:
- If you purchase a gift membership (or multiple memberships) along with other items in the store, all non-membership items will be sent to you unless you specify otherwise in the customer notes section at checkout.
- You will need to provide: Recipient Email Address, Name, Mailing Address, City, State, and Zip Code. We are unable to fulfill a gift membership without this information.
Annual membership supports FFRF’s hard-working office and our educational and legal work. It includes ten issues per year of Freethought Today newspaper, which fully reports on FFRF actions and news, as well as our “Private Line” (a twice-a-year insider report on the Foundation). Members may vote at the annual convention. All dues and donations are deductible for income-tax purposes. Life, Afterlife and Beyond Afterlife memberships are for individuals who wish to support FFRF for a lifetime (no renewal notices). Gift memberships for individuals outside of the United States are available at the U.S. domestic rate as digital-only memberships: FFRF’s newspaper, Freethought Today, and other materials will be sent via email. Delivery of materials via U.S.P.S. outside of the U.S. requires additional costs to cover postage. Rates are available here.